For many years I was a serious night owl, so it's still a little crazy to me how much of a morning person I have become these days. I've really found though how important it is to start the day in a positive frame of mind, and instead of giving myself a headache first thing by checking in with emails or my work, I make sure I start the day off inspired by browsing Instagram and Bloglovin and I wanted to share a few of my favourites with you today in the hopes they can be the perfect morning inspiration for you too...
Read MoreI've been creating daily online content for quite a while now and I've found myself in a routine and process I'm really happy with. Whether it's for this space or ALO, there are a few questions and things I check every time before I schedule content to be published so that I can know I'm 100% happy with the piece. Today I thought I'd run you through the 10 things I check before a post is ready to go, as these are the main things that guide me when creating content.
Read MoreOver the past few weeks I've felt a little overwhelmed and behind when it comes to my workload. With a house move followed by a nasty throat virus distracting me, I found myself scrambling every day to try and stay on top of my to-do list. Working for myself means that I'm responsible for motivating myself every day to get up and work, and there's nothing worse than feeling behind with your workload and any deadlines. So this past week I've pulled myself together and made sure I end the week feeling much more on top of things, and I wanted to share some advice today for anyone else feeling a little behind and overwhelmed by the many things they need to do.
Read MoreThe blogs I tend to read the most these days are run by awesome creatives who are sharing their lives, their work, their process, and lessons learned along the way. For fellow working creatives it's a great way to connect with others and find answers to the many questions you may have about working for yourself and running your own creative business. I've shared a few of these before but I wanted to round up some really awesome creatives today who are running blogs that are forever inspiring me to dream bigger and create work and content I can be really proud of.
Read MoreThis year has flown by crazy fast, I really can't believe we're creeping up to the final two months already. Looking back so far, it's been a super exciting year for me in terms of personal growth and making little steps towards my long term goals. I'm now self employed, building a career I love, and even though there's a long way to go I'm feeling positive and excited about what the future has to bring. In general though, I'm finding that to lead a happy and fulfilling life we have to be proactive and seek out the things that make us happy, as life can get so busy sometimes that we have to make time for the things that really matter to us.
So with the end of the year in sight now, I've been thinking of ways that I can make the most out of these last few months and I thought I'd share a few of them with you today.
Read MoreSocial media is one of the aspects of blogging that it's taken me a while to get to grips with - there are so many platforms to consider and how to make them a valuable asset to your online brand that it's enough to give anyone a headache. Of course my favourite online reads have come to my aid again thanks to them sharing awesome and insightful advice, and today I'm rounding up some of my favourites in the hopes they can be helpful for you as well.
Read MoreI spoke a few weeks about about my plan to Feel The Fear And Don't Look Back, and since then I watched this awesome Circles talk by Kathleen Shannon from Braid Creative talking about what creative entrepreneurs are scared of and it started me thinking about what my biggest fears are as a creative. What I'm learning is that fears are totally normal and a-okay when you're a working creative, the important thing is to find a way to manage those fears and not let them stop you and your workflow. Today I'm sharing some of my biggest fears, and how I try and not let them interfere with my work and my happiness.
Read MoreWhen I first started Jennypurr it was just a small side hobby to help fill my time and as a place where I hoped to connect with like minded people. Since then it's grown into one of my favourite places to be and is now a big extension of who I am as a creative and my personal brand. Somewhere along the way I started to take things a little more seriously when it comes to how I run this space, and today I thought I'd share ten steps I've taken that helped me along the way.
Read MoreStaying on top of our workload and the many hats we have to wear in our jobs is tough - sometimes there just never seems to be enough hours in the day to get things done. This is where maximising your productivity comes in, and I'm no expert but managing my freelance work, ALO, and this blog has meant I've had to find ways to be super productive whilst managing my many daily tasks. Productivity looks different for everyone, but today I'm sharing four steps I've found to make all the difference to my workflow...
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