You Are More Than Just Your Traffic

I've said it many times that when you blog you shouldn't get too caught up on the numbers - but obviously this is easier said than done. For a long time I was somewhat obsessive about my blogs traffic - I defined every posts success by how many PV and Unique Visitors it reached that day, and if my traffic hadn't increased from the previous month I'd beat myself up over what I was doing wrong.

Obviously this is no way to create, and a big, big, lesson I've learned is that a blog really is more than just it's traffic. Let me tell you why...

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Jen Carrington
If You Work For Yourself, You Should Read...

When you work for yourself you wear many hats, and there are many challenges and adventures that you face every day and sometimes you can feel a little lost in the middle of it all. I've shared posts you should read if you work from homea beginners guide to freelancing, and 6 realities of being a creative entrepreneur, but today I thought I'd bring you some must reads for anyone else working for themselves...

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Jen Carrington
What's Holding You Back?

I've been thinking a lot lately about the things that can hold us back when it comes to following our dreams and doing what we really want to do with our lives. The biggest person in my own way is me - I'm the one who talks myself out of taking steps forward, who tells myself I'm not good enough, and who worries too much about the fear of failure.

Freelancing and working for yourself is scary business, but whatever the career path it is that you want to follow, or the life choices you want to take the leap and make, I thought today I'd share some of the things that hold me back and that I want to work through in my own life, in the hopes of encouraging you to get out of your own way too...

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Jen Carrington
If You Work From Home, You Should Read...

I love working from home, I really do. The freedom to be in charge of my own schedule and routine is the greatest thing and I love that I get to pour myself into a job I love every day. Sometimes it can feel crazy lonely though and one of my favourite things to do is read the awesome words of wisdom and lessons learned that fellow work-from-homers, much more seasoned than me, are sharing online. Other creatives sharing insights into their routine and process is awesome, and I thought I'd share today some of my favourite pieces I've read for anyone else doing the whole work from home thing...

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Jen Carrington