10 Awesome Creative Blogs You Should Read
The blogs I tend to read the most these days are run by awesome creatives who are sharing their lives, their work, their process, and lessons learned along the way. For fellow working creatives it's a great way to connect with others and find answers to the many questions you may have about working for yourself and running your own creative business. I've shared a few of these before but I wanted to round up some really awesome creatives today who are running blogs that are forever inspiring me to dream bigger and create work and content I can be really proud of.
Braid is run by sisters Kathleen and Tara, creative consultants who offer branding and business visioning for other creatives. Their blog is an awesome space full of insights and resources for anyone building a creative career they love. With advice on topics such as personal branding, defining your niche, creative business visioning and catching your dream customer - I regularly re-read their content and I'm always excited when a new post goes live. A must read for any other working creatives!
Posts you should read: The Work/Life Energy Drain, Stop Apologising So Much, How To Say What You Do
I love Breanna's blog. She's a freelance art director and designer currently based in Minneapolis and she's soon to be launching the Be Free, Lance workshop. On her blog she shares some of her design work and the process behind it, freelance advice, snippets of her life and interviews with other creatives. Not only is it visually appealing, but the advice and insights Breanna shares are so engaging and helpful that I couldn't recommend a read of her blog enough for any other freelancers just starting out.
Posts you should read: Discover Your Process, Creative Diaries Ana Degenaar, Kick Those Excuses To The Curb
Regina's blog is probably one of my all time favourites - she brings something seriously awesome to the table and for any creative entrepreneurs who also blog her content is full of insightful and super helpful advice and resources. Based in Austin, Texas, Regina consults for other creatives and offers lots of awesome services through her blog for creative entrepreneurs and bloggers. With awesome graphics, to the point and super helpful and relevant blog posts you can seriously lose yourself for hours in Regina's blog, taking notes and learning so much as you go.
Posts you should read: 3 Classy + Profitable Ways to Turn Down Freelance Clients, 12 Essential Steps to Starting Your Freelance Business, You Are Your Content
Corina is a graphic designer based in Kefalonia Island and on her blog she shares her design work, inspiration, style, and lifestyle content. Aesthetically her blog is just perfect, full of awesome graphics she designs to go alongside her content. Her posts are super insightful and interesting, whether she's sharing a recent client project, or lessons learned in her The Freelance Life column, it's a super inspiring online space to lose yourself in.
Posts you should read: The Way To Success, The Other Side Of A Creative, Monday To Sunday
Bethany is a graphic designer and brand strategist based in Salt Lake City and through her blog she shares advice and insights in the hopes of helping other creatives pursue their passions. She has lots of awesome content for bloggers as well as creative entrepreneurs and I've bookmarked so many of her posts to read again.
Posts you should read: How To Create A Weekly Schedule, Why Creative Entrepreneurs Should Have A Blog, Know Your Limits: Blogger Edition
Latrina is a photographer based in Sacramento, California, and her blog is a beautiful online space that I think you guys will really love. With lifestyle posts that share snippets of her day to day life and adventures, creative insights that share her work and process, and freelance, blog, and photography advice, Latrina's blog is awesome.
Posts you should read: Photography 101: Understanding Shutter Speed, My Workflow And Daily Schedule, Photography 101: Understanding Aperture
As soon as I discovered Megan and Mikes blog a few months back, I fell in love straight away. A husband and wife duo who run the brand building studio Wild Measure, their blog shares snippets of their days, lessons learned, and adventures along the way of their life together as creative entrepreneurs. I love their visuals and approach to content and how varied their posts are.
Posts you should read: 5 Ways to Make Your Morning Better, Feed Your Soul, Life Lessons From Summer Days
Melyssa's blog is an awesome, awesome, space for bloggers and creatives. She's a graphic designer and shares content on blogging, running your own business, self development and creativity. It's a super positive and encouraging space and I'm forever excited to read a new post when it goes live.
Posts you should read: 5+ Ways to Build an Active Community on Your Blog, What I Wish I Knew When I Graduated, My #1 Tip For Writing Better Blog Posts
Sophie's blog is one I've been reading for a really long time now, I can remember the first time I stumbled across it and how excited I was to see what she was doing with her space. Sophie is a designer-maker running the minimal handmade jewellery business Oh My Clumsy Heart and on her blog she shares small business and blogging advice alongside beauty, books, style and lifestyle content. Her insights into working for yourself and running a creative business are super interesting and helpful and there's an awesome mixed of varied content over on her blog.
Posts you should read: Start-Up Advice For Small Business Owners, How I Quit My Day Job, Things I Wish I Knew About Blogging Before I Started
Cassie's blog is a beautiful space - I can lose myself in it for hours. Veda house is her design studio where she specialises in brand identities, photo styling and art direction and on her blog she shares her work, her freelance journey, and the things she's inspired by in life and work. Visually it's fantastic, but more than that it's full of honest and insightful posts on the realities of forging your own path and working for yourself and it's a lovely little insight into her world and creative process.
Posts you should read: Manifesting The Type Of Work You Want, My Days In Hours, What Blogging Means To Me
What are your favourite creative blogs?
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