My Biggest Fears As A Creative
I spoke a few weeks about about my plan to Feel The Fear And Don't Look Back, and since then I watched this awesome Circles talk by Kathleen Shannon from Braid Creative talking about what creative entrepreneurs are scared of and it started me thinking about what my biggest fears are as a creative. What I'm learning is that fears are totally normal and a-okay when you're a working creative, the important thing is to find a way to manage those fears and not let them stop you and your workflow. Today I'm sharing some of my biggest fears, and how I try and not let them interfere with my work and my happiness.
Running out of ideas I'm constantly in fear that my best ideas are behind me. Creating multiple pieces of online content every week for both here and ALO means that I'm constantly brainstorming and conceptualising new ideas and there are without a doubt some weeks when I fear I have none left to give. The thing I've found though is that new ideas are always going to happen, sometimes when you least expect them, so I try and trust in that and my creative process. I shared a few weeks back my some of my jumping off points and how I brainstorm ideas for content here.
Not being good enough This is a big one - the fear that I'm not good enough, and that sooner or later everyone else (if they haven't already) will figure that out too. I'm forever re-reading upcoming content two or three times to make sure it's up to scratch, or feeling on edge sometimes when working with clients that they'll hate the work I've created for them - but in reality, I've found these fears reflect my own insecurities way more than they do the opinions of others. I'm finding it's so important to believe in myself and my creative endeavours, while of course staying humble to the fact that there is still so much more for me to learn along the way.
Finding clients The fear of work drying up (or not finding any in the first place) is something I'm sure many freelancers just starting out can relate to. What if no one ever hires me? It's the biggest and scariest question we're faced with. What I'm finding is that the only thing standing in the way between me and my next client is the barriers I put up myself. If I don't put myself out there, share who I am, my work, and what I offer in a way that makes sense then of course no one will hire me. Embracing the fear and sharing your business and your work with confidence and clarity is the most important step to finding your next awesome client (or customer) - you just have to hold on to the fact that you have something valuable to offer, and believe in yourself and your work every step of the way.
That everyone else has it figured out but me Oh you know the one, where you look at everyone around you and think to yourself - how do they have everything figured out and I don't? It's like there's this big secret and you're the only one not in the loop, but in reality it's just because everyone will always be at different stages in their career and comparison will always be the thief of joy. Maybe they have six months booked out in advance whilst you're not sure how to pay next months bills, or are making enough to buy their dream house whilst you're still living at home in your childhood bedroom - but that's just because you've still got all of those awesome steps ahead of you which take a whole lot of hard work, grit, and determination. I've never met anyone who feels like they have everything figured out, as soon as you reach one goal ten more will appear in front of you so I'm learning to just embrace the journey.
Failure The thought of failure haunts us everyday if we let it - we fear it, we fight against it, when in reality it's only as scary as we let it be. I ask myself, what does failure really look like to me? What's the worst that can happen? Maybe I'll be living at home with my parents for longer than I hoped, and maybe I can't take that around the world trip with Alex for another few years while we build our careers. Instead of letting these fears of failure paralyse me though, I try and let them motivate me to put in the hours, learn more, and push forward on my goals every day.
What about you - what are you biggest fears as a creative?
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