How To Not Feel Lonely When You Work From Home

I love working from home. I love the freedom, the control over my own schedule, and the fact that I get to spend my days doing what I love. It can be hard somedays though not to feel a little lonely - spending the majority of your time working by yourself isn't always the best for a healthy and happy mind. So recently I've been making a big effort to adjust my routine so that it takes into consideration my need to escape the cabin fever and quiet that can sometimes be too much when you work from home, and I thought I'd share my best advice today for any fellow work-from-homers...

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Jen Carrington
Ways To Share Who You Are Online Without Blogging

I love blogging, don't get me wrong, but for fellow creatives or people of the world who want to share themselves, their work, their personal brand, and who they are through the wonderful medium of the web but don't have the time (or the interest) in starting and running a blog I think it's hard sometimes to utilise the many options available to us. The thing is, if you don't want to blog but you still want to share who you are and find your tribe and potential clients online there is hope as there are so many other creative platforms out there where you can utilise your voice and creative vision.

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Jen Carrington
Introducing... Jessica from The Crown Wings

You may have noticed Jessica from The Crown Wings on my sidebar this past month and linked to at the end of each post as she has been this months spotlight advertiser and I'm super excited to bring you today's post after I caught up with her recently. A beauty, lifestyle, and fashion blog, today's interview is the perfect way to find out a little more about the girl behind the blog...

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Jen Carrington
Evenings Are For Inspiration Too

Last week I shared a piece called Mornings Are For Inspiration where I rounded up my favourite Instagram accounts and blogs to browse in the morning first thing. Today I thought I'd share what I like to consume come evening, as my favourite ways to wind down come the end of the day is to read my favourite websites, watch my favourite shows, and lose myself in a good book or two...

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Jen Carrington
Managing Setbacks and How To Bounce Back

Setbacks happen in all walks of life, whatever your job or personal experiences, and what I've learned so far is that the most important thing is how we respond and react to the many problems that can arise in our day to day lives. I like to think I'm quite good in a crisis and I thought today I'd share some advice for managing setbacks and how to bounce back whatever comes your way...

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Jen Carrington
Things To Do When You're Having A Bad Week

Sometimes bad weeks just hit us out of nowhere, and even if we can't exactly pin point what's wrong, it's hard to shake that feeling that you just wish the week would hurry up and end. I'm not one for sitting back and letting life get to me though, so when I find myself in the middle of a not so perfect week I've found some steps worth taking to make things just that little bit better.

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Jen Carrington