Fifteen Permission Slips


Before we jump in: This article was originally shared with my email community in September 2020. I'm sharing it with you on the blog today in the hope that it may be of some encouragement and insight to you in your creative journey right now, and also give you a little sneak peak of what you can expect from Weekly Letters too. If you'd like to receive letters like this one straight to your inbox every Sunday, you can sign up below. You'll also have access to all of my Mini Books too!

Whenever my clients are battling between what they want and what they think they’re allowed to actually give themselves I always ask:

If you could give yourself a permission slip right now, what would it say? 

Whether it’s allowing themselves to slow down and rest, or perhaps opt-out of advice that isn’t serving them, or maybe be brave enough to pursue the goals that truly matter to them, what we always discover is that deep down they almost always know exactly what they need - it’s just so damn scary to give it to ourselves sometimes. 

Everything joyful and meaningful in my business has come from being brave enough to actually give myself permission to do it. 

Take 18 weeks off a year from client work. 

Work 15 hour weeks so that I have space and time for my family and my health. 

Be intentional with my pricing so that I can provide for my family without burning out. 

Show up and share my stories, message, and ideas so that I can attract the clients I can truly be of service to. 

Sometimes the permission slip I’ve needed over the years is to be brave enough to stay the course when my business wasn’t in this place yet, so that I could actually build it into something more joyful, spacious, and sustainable. 

Sometimes the permission slip I’ve needed is to slow down and rest, and other times it’s been to commit to a bigger goal without sacrificing my own needs in the pursuit of it. 

Because no one can do this journey for us but us. 

And I don’t know what permission slip you need in this season but I imagine there is one that you’re aching to give to yourself right now. 

So to hold a little space for you to uncover what that might be I’ve created a mini guided journal to hopefully help you do exactly that. 

Inside you’ll find fifteen of the most impactful permission slips I’ve seen my clients give themselves over the years and space for you to explore what each could look like for you in your own journey. 

Some will inevitably resonate more than others but my hope is that at least one or two may be exactly what you need right now. 

Here’s to giving ourselves whatever we need to thrive in our creative work and life... 

As always, I’m rooting for you! 

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Jen Carrington