The Quiet Power Of Putting Your Business Blinkers On


Before we jump in: This article was originally shared with my email community in August 2020. I'm sharing it with you on the blog today in the hope that it may be of some encouragement and insight to you in your creative journey right now, and also give you a little sneak peak of what you can expect from Weekly Letters too. If you'd like to receive letters like this one straight to your inbox every Sunday, you can sign up below. You'll also have access to all of my Mini Books too!

Do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to everyone else in your industry? 

Worrying that they have more experience than you, that they’re saying everything you want to say but better than you ever could? 

It’s a-okay if you’re nodding along to this. 

I’ve found so many of my clients and creative business friends can struggle with this at times too - and I’ve without a doubt found myself spiralling into this mindset before too. 

It’s human nature to compare ourselves to others, and when we’re doing the vulnerable work of putting ourselves out there and working towards big goals it’s so easy for our insecurity to find an outlet by looking at what everyone else is doing instead of focusing on our own path. 

But the trick is to not spend too much time in this place, to recognise when those thoughts come in but not to pay them too much attention as all they can ever do is distract us from where our real work is happening. 

I always tell my clients when they’re battling with this comparison and self-doubt: it’s time to put your business blinkers on. 

The magic happens when we get lost in our own rabbit holes, when we root for ourselves instead of believing the lie that there’s no space for us and our work. 

Because here’s the beautiful truth: no one else can do your work in the way you do it. 

There may be crossovers with others in your industry, shared perspectives and approaches to your craft, but your work is uniquely shaped by your own story, message, and point of view. 

The energy that you bring to the table cannot be replicated by anyone else, and it’s when we dive deeper into the specifics of our own work that we can build something truly singular and magical along the way. 

Here are the things I’ve found helpful for both myself and my clients in putting our business blinkers on: 

1. Find a home within your business 

Root into your why, your vision, your message, your story, your craft, and your perspective, everything that shapes your work and the way you do it too. Develop your own inner compass, create your own roadmap for where you want to go next, and be devoted to building the business that only you can build. 

2. Be enthusiastic about the work you do and the vision guiding your business 

Never underestimate the power of enthusiasm, of the energy it can bring to our work. The more obsessed you can be with your own journey the less you will be distracted by everyone else’s. Have a vision for your work that feels so grounded in what matters most to you that you aren’t intimidated by other people’s enthusiasm for their own but instead just inspired by the intention they’re bringing to their own path. 

3. Stay in your own bubble 

You don’t need to keep up with what everyone else is doing, you’re allowed to opt-out of any damn noise that you want to. Your attention will always be best spent on your own business, on being of service to your clients and customers, on bringing to life whatever you’re itching to create next. Protect your own energy and headspace from outside noise that will only disconnect you along the way. 

4. Go all in on doing your very best work 

This is the secret to doing singular, profitable, joyful work in the world: be awesome at what you do. 

When we put our business blinkers on we protect the space that we need to devote ourselves fully to our own path, to honing and nurturing our craft, to delivering our best work, to using our voice and sharing our message and ideas in whatever way feels most meaningful to us. 

And if you’re currently feeling disconnected and full of comparison? My biggest advice is to root back into your work, that’s where you’ll find all of the answers and clarity that you need. 

See what’s possible when you stay focused on your own business, your own journey, your own path. 

Put those business blinkers on and see how much you can soar. 

As always, I’m rooting for you! 

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Jen Carrington