Introducing My New Podcast: Dive Deeper

I had one more goal on my to-do list before I sign off for my maternity leave at the end of next week: launch season one of my new podcast. 

And it’s here! I’ll be honest, I’m still a little surprised that I actually managed to get it done so late into my pregnancy but I’m so so happy that I did.

Let me introduce you to Dive Deeper.


This is a podcast for creative humans who want to bring more intentionfocus, and joy to your business and creative life. 

Each episode is short and sweet at around ten minutes each and dives into a topic that I see come up time and time again in the work that I do with my awesome coaching clients. 

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There are also worksheets to go with each episode so that you can dive even deeper, and my biggest hope is that this show can offer up a little guidance, encouragement, and support as you navigate this season of your creative work and life. 

All eight episodes of Season 1 have gone live today and I am so excited to be able to share them with you - you can dive in and explore this way. 

You can subscribe to the show through Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, and directly through the RSS feed too. 

And a big thank you to my husband and podcasting partner in crime Alex for helping me to bring this show to life, the third we’ve worked on together now. If you’re looking for a podcast editor he’s doing some awesome work with his clients over at Sonics Podcasts and I am obviously very biased but I couldn’t recommend him more! 

I so hope you enjoy diving into this first season of the show and I’ll hopefully be bringing the second season to life early next year. 

Here’s to diving deeper in our business journey and finding the very best way forward for us... 

As always, I’m rooting for you!

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Jen Carrington