There's a whole lot of content out there for your dream clients and customers to dive into.
Some of it will speak directly to them - to their goals, their dreams, their fears, their values, and to the things that matter most to them - and some of it will just skim the surface and only briefly catch their attention.
You, of course, want to be speaking directly to them.
To be sharing content that hits them deep in the gut, that makes them stop and pay attention and think - this is exactly who I've been looking for!
And the good news is, it's not all that hard to do this.
Because the content that's going to speak directly to your dream clients is already within you - it's rooted in your message, your stories, and your ideas. Your job is to get to the heart of those stories and ideas, and bring them to life in a way that is engaging for your dream clients and customers so it resonates and connects with them along the way.
Today I want to share with you seven types of content you can create that help you to share your message, your stories, and your ideas with your dream clients and customers - this list isn't exhaustive, there's an abundance of ways you can bring content to life online, but these are some of my favourites to both create and consume too.
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