Running a business can feel really overwhelming sometimes.
Don't get me wrong, being your own boss is awesome but a dream job is still a job and it still has its own stressors, anxieties, and overwhelming days along the way too.
We're in charge of everything, from client work, to customer support, marketing, accounting, and so much more. We wear so many hats and we have a whole lot of responsibility on our shoulders to show up, do the work, and keep our business moving forward each day.
And now and again, it can all start to feel like a little too much.
Maybe you're worried about money and overwhelmed by the pressure and anxiety that comes from being in charge of making your own income.
Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed with your client workload and struggling to find enough hours in the day to get everything done.
Maybe you've made a mistake or faced a setback or disappointment and you're starting to fear that everything in your business is starting to fall apart.
Maybe you're just exhausted and in need of some rest but your business is demanding of you something you don't feel like you can give it right now.
Whatever it is, I have eight mantras and reminders for you today for when you're feeling anxious and overwhelmed in your business. My hope is that these can hold some space for you to find some peace, courage, and perspective in those moments so you can continue to move forward along the way.
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