Make It Happen Episode Thirteen: With Jamie Starcevich of Spruce Rd

I am super excited to be sharing this week's episode of Make It Happen with you today. I invited Jamie Starcevich of Spruce Rd to come onto to the show so we could just have a super honest and human chat about what we're learning during our first year of running our own creative businesses. Jamie and I both launched our businesses in January 2015 and in this episode we share the highs and lows and lessons learned along the way so far and we really dig into a bunch of awesome topics in this episode together. 

This is an awesome episode for anyone who is also in their first year of freelancing and just finding their feet, or for anyone who is thinking about taking the leap and would like an insight into two freelancers journeys so far. I really loved having Jamie on the show and I can't wait for you to dig into today's episode as we had tons of fun recording it. 

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Jen Carrington
The B2C Creative Entrepreneurs Guide To Attracting (And Booking) Dream Clients

Do you remember last month when I shared this post - You Don't Have To Create For Other Business Owners To Build A Successful Online Business - and I promised that I would have some B2C specific content coming soon? Well today I have a 6-part guide for any service based B2C creatives who want to utilise their online presence as a tool for attracting (and booking!) dream clients so you can fill up your schedule with work that you're crazy excited to do. 

Here's the thing about being a service based creative entrepreneur - we do our best work when we work with the clients who we serve best. We also enjoy our work so much more when we're working with the specific type of clients that our creative expertise and inner genius is best suited for. That's exactly why I've put together this 6-part resource, as I've seen the power our online presence has to be a tool for attracting the right clients for us (and repelling the not so dreamy ones too) and a big part of the work that I'm passionate about doing right now is encouraging B2C creatives to share their game-changing expertise with the world so that they can then spend their days serving those who they can serve best. 

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Jen Carrington
This One’s For The Game Changers, Big Thinkers, & Thought Leaders To Be...

If you’re working crazy hard right now to make big and beautiful things happen online, I have something for you today that might be exactly what you need to help you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. But first up, I want to share with you five things that I truly believe are essential when it comes to building a game changing online presence that is purposeful and profitable along the way:

1. Clarity, Focus, & Direction

Because how can we make the right decisions if we don’t know where we’re going and why?

2. Purposeful Content Marketing Strategy

Sharing your expertise and value through your online content and building an authentic relationship with your audience is the difference between just offering services and products and actually selling those services and products.

3. Game-Changing Methodology

Because you have something to say and a message and ideas that can truly enrich and change the lives of those who you can serve best, but you need to hone in on that message and make sense of it if you want to really have some impact and reach with the right people for you. 

4. A Commitment To Creating Outside Of Your Comfort Zone

Because the magic happens when we step outside of our comfort zone and allow ourselves to get a little vulnerable along the way in this journey.

5. A Creative Pack Of Other Game Changers, Big Thinkers, & Thought Leaders To Be

Other people who see the world as big as we do are the thing that keeps us going on those days when we just want to give up and quit. Your creative pack can show you what you’re capable of even when you can’t see it yourself, and then can move you and push you forward in ways you didn’t even know possible.

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Jen Carrington
Why Game Changers Need Other Game Changers If They Want To Make Big Things Happen Online

Who we surround ourselves with can really shape and define our journey as creative entrepreneurs.

Doing this alone is not an option if we want to really do brave and bold things along the way. Having other dreamers and big thinkers by our side to cheer us on and inspire us as they lead the way too is a huge game changer when we’re working crazy hard to build a business and a life that makes us excited to get out of bed every morning. Ever heard the phrase - “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”? It couldn’t ring more true when it comes to being a freelancer, blogger, and creative entrepreneur.

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Jen Carrington