Sometimes I have little ideas for posts or thoughts I want to share that aren't enough to dedicate a whole post to and I've been looking for a way for a while now to share this type of content with you guys. Hopefully that's what Note To Self can be - a place for me to share some lessons I'm learning along the way, and share with you a little insight into the things I've been thinking about lately.
Read MoreWhen you're a working creative, it's super important to be motivated, productive, and always working and grafting towards your goals and deadlines. We all can waste time in so many different ways; though much more than just your usual procrastination, I've found that there are some specific scenarios we can all relate to when it comes to how we get in our own way when we're forging our own paths and building creative careers we love.
Read MoreI tend to share a lot of blogging related content on this space, which I love, but I realised recently that it's usually aimed at more seasoned bloggers or content creators who have been doing this for a while. There are of course so many awesome new blogs being created every single day, and I thought today I would share my best advice for anyone just getting started with their blogging adventure.
Read MoreAfter sharing seven of my favourite quotes a few weeks back, I wanted to share today some of the wise words from the thinkers and writers who inspire me that I like to remember from time to time. There's nothing quite like the words of others helping you find your way, and the following ten are some of my favourites:
Read MoreAs well as running this little blog, I'm also the co-editor over at the online lifestyle magazine A Little Opulent alongside one of my favourite people in the world, Rebecca, and our awesome and super talented team. I look after our Lifestyle, Beauty, and Culture & Entertainment sections and every now and then I like to bring you a round-up of some of my recent content from over there.
Read MoreThere are so many talented photographers and designers out there in the online community creating awesome visuals for their blogs - Rebecca, Corina, and Megan are just some of my favourites. If like me though you're not all that confident when it comes to the visual side of content creation, I wanted to share some awesome web tools and online resources that can help you find your feet and create visual content you can be proud of.
Read MoreBlogs exist for so many different reasons, and they usually evolve into something much more over time than what was first envisioned. We all have different motivations behind our blogs, and knowing our purpose and finding our voice is key to really utilising our space to create something that has both impact and reach.
But how do I know my purpose, I hear you ask. It's not really as intense as it sounds, and after being involved in the online community for a while now I think I can break it down into five different categories - though most of us exist somewhere in-between one or two (or even three) of them.
Read MoreSomething I've learned this year is that creativity will always need feeding - I can spend my days creating content, but if I don't fill my life with the things I love and the things that inspire me, my work would become stale and stagnant. Surrounding myself with daily inspiration that helps me see the world from different points of view, and explore my own process and creativity, is key to my creative process and today I'm sharing five of my favourite ways to stay inspired.
Read MoreBe A Farmer, Not A Hunter I stumbled across this mantra thanks to the awesome Kathleen and Tara over at Braid Creative in this post. The idea of being like a farmer, who gets up early and looks at the bigger picture and sticks around for the long haul, really resonated with me and guides me now in how I approach my work (and my life). Head over and read their post as they explain it perfectly.
Be Kind, Stay Humble To be the kind of human I want to be, I want to stay kind and humble every step of the way. Treating everyone and everything with kindness and respect makes us better people, and I've found that ego and arrogance is one of the biggest things that can get in the way of us leading a positive and happy life.
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