Note To Self #1
Sometimes I have little ideas for posts or thoughts I want to share that aren't enough to dedicate a whole post to and I've been looking for a way for a while now to share this type of content with you guys. Hopefully that's what Note To Self can be - a place for me to share some lessons I'm learning along the way, and share with you a little insight into the things I've been thinking about lately.
Always Raise The Bar This is a little mantra I've been focusing on lately, and it has helped me to stay focused and push forward especially when it comes to my work. I feel frustrated at times when I feel like taking something seriously and wanting to move forward and always explore new possibilities is criticised - especially in the online world. It can feel at times like it's easier just to make yourself smaller and follow the crowd every step of the way, though I always like to remember one of my favourite quotes from Seth Godin that I've shared before - you will be judged, or you will be ignored. I'm learning lately that nothing has a ceiling - you can always raise the bar - and to want more from yourself, your work, and your industry is nothing to ever be ashamed of.
Keep Perspective Whenever I feel insecure about this space, either from fear that my content isn't good enough or that people just don't enjoy the words I'm putting out there, I like to step back and gain a little perspective and remember what this space really is. Putting my words and thoughts out there and having a supportive and engaged readership means more to me than words could ever say - I feel crazy lucky every day to be able to share myself with you guys and even luckier that you're open enough to share little bits of your life with me as well. I've been thinking a lot lately about how grateful I am for the fact that I have a space to share who I am, my thoughts, and my work, and whenever I'm feeling insecure about this space I like to remember that really, it's become way more than what I ever dreamed it would be.
Go For It I've been toying around with some business ideas for the past few months now, taking steps forwards and then back due to feeling both scared and excited about what the future could bring. I set myself a deadline for early 2015 to launch my next adventure, and now that it's coming closer and closer I just keep reminding myself that I have to feel the fear and not look back. If you have a big old dream inside of you, my best advice has to be these three words - go for it. Build an action plan, work towards those goals and deadlines, and turn your idea into something awesome.
How about you, I'd love to know what your notes to self would be this week?
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