Five Ways To Streamline Your Blogging Process

I love blogging, I really do, but recently it has started to feel like it's taking up all of my time. I like to keep everything here up to a high standard, and I never want to churn out content I'm not happy with, but with ALO to run, freelance clients, and some behind the scenes projects I'm working on, I've found myself building a more streamlined blogging process so it no longer feels like it's eating up all of my time.

For anyone else who loves to blog but doesn't have unlimited hours in the day, I thought I'd share five steps I've found to really help keep things streamlined...

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Jen Carrington
Seven Clichés About Life That Actually Make Sense

We all know those Pinterest perfect quotes about life, encouraging us to live in the moment and abandon all regrets. The thing is, some of the most overused sayings actually ring pretty true and if you can look past the cliche you may find some serious words of wisdom. 

So as an ode to those cliched quotes we love to pin to our inspiration boards, here are seven that I try and live by...

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Jen Carrington
If You're A Blogger, You Should Read...

There's so much blogging advice out there these days that it's not hard to feel a little overwhelmed and confused as to which way to turn. Blogging as a creative industry is something I'm crazy passionate about and I'm forever reading the awesome advice my favourite content creators are sharing. If you're looking for some awesome blogging related content, I thought today I'd round up a few of my favourite posts...

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Jen Carrington
On The Sidebar // October

October brought with it an awesome bunch of sidebar advertisers, and there are so many blogs and small businesses I'm excited to be introducing you guys to today. From lifestyle to beauty and everything in between, be prepared to fill your Bloglovin feed with a bunch of new favourites...


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Jen Carrington
5 Rules for Staying Organised

I'm a serious scatterbrain sometimes - I'll put something down and then never remember where I put it when I need it to hand. Working for myself and running two websites and managing client work can be quite the juggling act, and I'm forever beating myself up when something gets lost within the crowd and I end up being behind on something. This is why I've set myself five little rules to follow so I can try and stay on top of everything, and I wanted to share them with you today for anyone else craving a more organised life...

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Jen Carrington
Things To Remember When You're Feeling Insecure

I'm no stranger to feeling insecure at times - it probably happens to me more times than I'd like to admit. Whether it's about work, friendships, blogging, or how I feel about myself - at times I'll feel an overwhelming sense that I'm just not good enough. I think it's normal to feel like this though, we are human after all, and the important thing I've found is that we have to find a way to overcome our insecurities and keep going even when they're trying to hold us back. 

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Jen Carrington