The Coaches Who Thrive Manifesto


There’s a reason so many of us choose to be coaches, mentors, and guides.

This work can be so beautiful, so fulfilling, and so meaningful too.

It can often feel like so much more than just a job, but also a vocation and a calling too.

I’ve spent the past seven years building and running a joyful and thriving coaching business where I’ve been booked out with dream clients, become the breadwinner for my family, and run my business in 15 hours or less each week so that I can prioritise my family and my health too.

And none of this has happened by accident, or without some roadblocks along the way too.

I’ve battled with self-doubt and my money mindset, I’ve burned out and had to rebuild my business to work better for me, I’ve had to learn how to set better boundaries in my work and to find my feet in my marketing instead of allowing fear to keep me on the sidelines of my business.

And the biggest lesson I’ve learned is this: I have to thrive for my business to thrive, if I want to be able to deliver my very best work in the world each week.

Let me introduce you to the Coaches Who Thrive manifesto, as a guide to come back to whenever you need this permission in your own business along the way:

We can be of joyful service without burning out

Our needs and our clients needs aren’t in competition with each other, they’re just two sides of the same coin. We can build spacious and impactful businesses where we can do incredible work in the world without sacrificing our own needs and humanity in the process. We have permission to shape our business in a way that facilitates this joy and breathing room, instead of believing the lie that the only way to reach our business goals is to burn ourselves out along the way.

Our clients thrive when we thrive

Our clients need us to be showing up for them with a full tank, with the capacity to give them our wholehearted energy and commitment to our work together. No one benefits from our struggle so prioritising our own wellbeing and energetic needs in our business isn’t just necessary for ourselves but also for our ability to deliver our best work to our clients too.

We have permission to make our business work best for us

We are allowed to shape and build our business in whatever way works best for us, even if it feels radically different to everything around us in our industry. When it comes to our offerings, our availability, our marketing, and more, we are allowed to steer the ship that is our business in whatever feel feels most spacious and aligned for us.

We can prioritise profitability and impact at exactly the same time

We are allowed to price our services in a way that makes delivering them sustainable for us, and to scale our pricing as we hone our craft and grow deeper in our capacity in our business too. Our profit and our impact are in relationship with each other - the more we are able to be of service through our work, the more we are able to price and scale alongside that.

We get to define our own version of success in our business

We don’t have to chase six figures, book deals, and big social media followings if that’s not what truly lights us up in our work. Success is a quiet room where we feel truly, deeply, fulfilled in our work and our life. We don’t have to pursue anyone else’s version of success but our own.

We’re allowed to pivot and evolve in our business along the way

Our business is never set in stone - we always have the freedom to pivot, shift, and evolve. Actually, we should expect ourselves to pivot, shift, and evolve along the way - that’s the joy of being our own boss.

We don’t have to embrace icky marketing tactics to thrive in our business

We can sell in a way that feels joyful, fun, and human, where we focus on making it easy for our dream clients to say hell yes to working with us when the time is right for them, instead of hustling in our business trying to persuade people to hire us. You are allowed to make your marketing work best for you, to align the action you take with the values and integrity at the heart of your business.

Our business is allowed to feel spacious, joyful, and fun

What would a spacious, joyful, and fun coaching business look like for you? Do you believe that you are allowed to want that, to build that, to make that possible for your daily life?

This is my encouragement to you that you are allowed to want that, to build that, to live that. Your business will actually capable of more impact in the world if you do. You are worthy of enjoying the journey of your business, of it orbiting your life and not the other way around.

Are you feeling stuck in this season of your coaching business?

Take the quiz…

Five quick questions to discover what's getting in the way of you building a joyful and thriving coaching business.

And don't worry, I'm not just leaving you stuck in your roadblock. I also have a four-part roadmap video to walk you through how to get unstuck and moving forward too!

Jen Carrington