Eight Things To Try When It Feels Like Your Coaching Business Isn't Finding Momentum


Building a business so often takes more time, energy, and patience than we were first prepared for.

Especially in those first few weeks, months, and years, as you’re patiently sowing the seeds for future momentum, you may ask yourself: am I doing it wrong? Should I be further along yet?

You may even find yourself searching for the answers, for the quick fixes and formulas that will move you closer towards your goals.

But here’s the truth every thriving business owner knows: that are no answers or guarantees, just us showing up each and every day, figuring it out and learning what our business needs to thrive.

So I can’t offer you a list here of eight things you can try that will definitely bring your business the results you crave, but what I can offer you is a list of eight things to try and experiment with that will hopefully help to move the needle in your business.

These are the things I’ve seen move the needle in my clients business’s and in my own too, and will hopefully give you some next steps to dive into if you’re wanting to find more momentum in your business in this season.

1. Talk to your audience

If you’re just sitting there, wondering why the client enquiries aren’t just rolling in yet with ease, ask yourself: am I actually connecting with the people I’m hoping to work with?

Whether it’s through discovery calls, email, or social media, are you finding ways to actually connect with the people connecting with your work, to discover and learn what it is they’re struggling with and searching for in their journey?

If you feel like you’re just going round in circles, try getting out of your own head and into dialogue with your audience instead. You will learn so much from them that will fuel your work moving forward.

2. Revisit your home page

When an ideal client arrives on your website, is it clear to them straight away what you do and how you’re here to serve them? Do they get that feeling deep in their gut that you’re the perfect person to support them in this season of their journey?

How can your home page be even more effective for your and your business? If you’re unsure, start by choosing 5 business owners whose work you connect with and is thriving in the world. How does their home page make an amazing first impression for their dream clients? This isn’t so you can copy what they do, but instead illuminate for you how it’s possible to do this in the most effective way.

3. Revisit your sales page

Is your sales page leaving your dream clients to say hell yes, I want to work with this person? Does it make it clear what’s possible for them if they embark on this working relationship with you? Does it have testimonials that illuminate how impactful your work together could be?

So often we focus on what they get on our sales page - how many calls, workbooks, email support etc - but really what our clients need to find out is what is possible for them if they decide to work for us.

We don’t have to use our sales page to persuade or manipulate a client to invest, instead it’s an opportunity to make an invitation for them to make possible the discovery, growth, and change they’re looking for.

Revisit your sales page with fresh eyes - how can you make this more effective, more resonant, more of a hell yes?

4. Experiment with a specific offering

If your current offerings are struggling to resonate, and especially if you’re just getting started and building up your word of mouth around your work, consider offering something more specific so that it’s simpler for you to market this offering to your ideal clients. In a sea of so many coaches, mentors, and guides, sometimes the very best way to stand out is by getting oh so specific about what it is you can deliver for your clients.

For example, if you’re a marketing coach who currently has quite a general offer to support your clients with reaching their business goals, consider offering something more specific like a coaching container to support them to build an effective marketing plan for their next launch. By drilling it down a little you can speak more directly to how working with you can be so game-changing for them.

5. Build a new bridge

If you’re not sure what I mean about building a bridge read this blog post first. If you feel like you’ve hit a bit of a lull in reaching potential dream clients with your work, consider experimenting with a new way to reach them. Maybe you can do an IGTV show, or a podcast, or a video series on YouTube, or perhaps create a new opt-in for your email list. It is always worth experimenting to discover what will be the most effective ways to bring new potential clients to your work.

6. Create a gentle email sequence

I’m not talking here about an aggressive email sales funnel, but instead a gentle nurture sequence that holds space for someone to dive deeper into your work once they subscribe and offer a gentle invitation for them to work with you too. Maybe you can offer a 3-part video series sent over a week, or a 5-part email sequence where you share your best content and some testimonials too. See it as an experiment, you can always tweak it as you go, but see if you can gently engage deeper with the people who subscribe to your email list before you make the invitation to work together.

7. Amp up the value of your content

Are you really showing people through your content what’s possible by working with you? Are you sharing your gifts of knowledge and helping them to feel what it would feel like to dive deeper with you?

Amping up the value doesn’t mean burning yourself out creating more and more pieces of content, it just means bringing more intention to your content creation, infusing more of what you do into the content you share so it’s even easier for your dream clients to resonate and connect with you and your work.

8. Put your lights on consistently

How often are you actually inviting people to work with you? There’s a difference between selling aggressively and just consistently reminding people of the ways they can dive deeper into your work. Simple ways to do this are with a gentle reminder at the end of every newsletter, regularly letting people know on social media your upcoming availability, and sharing through other streams of content you may have like a podcast or YouTube channel. Don’t be afraid to remind people of the ways they can go deeper into your work, as how can they know if you don’t actually tell them?

Are you feeling stuck in this season of your coaching business?

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Five quick questions to discover what's getting in the way of you building a joyful and thriving coaching business.

And don't worry, I'm not just leaving you stuck in your roadblock. I also have a four-part roadmap video to walk you through how to get unstuck and moving forward too!

Jen Carrington