Are you ready to never do business alone again?

Your Simple & Spacious Business will open for enrolment again in the spring


“If you are looking for a place to gently grow your business while honouring your humanity, this is it”

- Lindsay Voorhees, YS&SB member

Your Simple & Spacious Business

A lifetime group coaching program for online business owners

You are allowed to want to feel good in your business.

To move towards your desires and goals at a gentle and joyful pace, instead of feeling like you have to keep up with someone else’s version of productivity.

You are allowed to want a business that honours your humanness, that gives you flexibility and spaciousness each day, and that allows you to make the amount of money that will support you to live the the life you want to create for yourself too.

This is your invitation to never do business alone again.

To deeply exhale and know that you are allowed to put your needs on the table in your business journey.

To do work you enjoy, to opt-out of business ‘rules’ and ‘norms’ that don’t feel aligned to you, and to shape your working life in a way that truly works best for you each day.

And to have the support, courage, and guidance to build and grow your business in a way that feels sustainable and joyful for you.

I’ve spent the past decade supporting hundreds of awesome human to build and run simple, spacious, and thriving businesses and I’ve poured all of that magic into this program so that I can support you to truly thrive in your journey too.

Your Simple & Spacious Business isn’t here to tell you how to run your business, instead it’s here to help you discover how to do your awesome work, live a beautiful life, and make a sustainable living in a way that truly works best for you.

If you’re ready to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you truly want to be in your business I can’t wait for you to discover what’s possible on the other side…

Do any of these sound familiar? 

You’d love to work less, live more, and run a business that feels joyful, easeful, and sustainable but you’re unsure of what steps to take next?

You’re business feels overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time most days, with so much on your to-do list but little meaningful progress towards your bigger goals?

You worry that to reach your financial goals you will have to sacrifice your wellbeing and joy to do so?

You’re fed up of your fears, anxieties, and self-doubt holding you back from truly thriving in your business?

You know that the simple, spacious, and easeful business you dream of is possible for you, you just need some guidance and support to make it your reality?

If so, this is the place for you… 

These past few months inside YS&SB have truly changed the way I approach my business vision and how I feel about my next steps. I have managed to stay rooted in trust and chipped away at work even at challenging times and felt like there was always a resource for me, a chance to chat about it in the community or ask Jen about it in an office hours question. Many of my self employed friends now compliment how rooted and clear in my vision I am no matter the outcome, and I truly feel that way.

The fact that I can access a vault of resources where pretty much every question I could possible have in my journey has been answered thoroughly by Jen is pretty soothing for my ever-so-activated nervous system

If you’re thinking about joining YS&SB? Just go for it. It’s literally the hand you need while you are navigating this alone. The members inside create the sweetest and most supportive community and you won’t feel alone in your struggles again.

I love that YS&SB is set up with a lifetime model. This really helps me, a recovering perfectionist, breathe and take it at my own pace. It’s a space that honours that everyone is at a different place along the journey and is spacious (ha, of course!) enough to support us all. I really love being able to pop into Slack for the weekly check-ins or to crowdsource ideas from other people. And I love that there’s no judgment if life happens and I drop off for a bit! Jen is there steadily tending the fire for us.

If you are looking for a place to imagine and gently grow your business while honouring your humanity, this is it. There is an abundance of resources to dive into, which are deeply supportive with no hustle culture or one-size-fits-all nonsense in sight. Jen leads by example and encourages us all to center self-compassion along this wild entrepreneurial journey!

YS&SB is a helpful guide for business owners at any step of the business journey. I call it a guide because even though there are very helpful roadmaps in each of the coaching modules, Jen never makes it seem that there is only ONE way to go. She gives you the map, explains the benefits and challenges of it all, and then gives you a lunchpail of goodies and sends you out to explore. It’s this personal exploration that really allows the coaching material to support each person wherever they are on their business journey.

If you’re looking for a supportive container that shows you how to run a business, but gives you the spaciousness and flexibility to create your OWN business - look to YS&SB.

YS&SB is truly incredible - the amount of support Jen packs in while also remaining gentle with the content so as not to overwhelm is the perfect balance. I love the Slack community for quick answers and The Vault and Office Hours give me 1:1 access to Jen’s excellent brain.

If you’re at a stage in your business where you need support but don’t know whether to buy a course, workshop, mastermind, or invest in 1:1 coaching, YS&SB is what you need. It’s gentle and supportive without an ounce of woo or fluff. Jen blends deeply supportive coaching skills with her wealth of business knowledge so it’s as practical as it is nurturing. You honestly won’t regret it!

I joined Your Simple & Spacious Business as I was feeling incredibly burnt out and I had fallen out of love with my business. I was craving more space and freedom in my work, but I had no idea how to get out of the situation I was in.

Your Simple and Spacious Business has helped me enormously in my burnout recovery and I no longer feel like I’m overworking. I have more time and space in my weeks, and I feel like I am able to be creative again, rather than just going through the motions every day.

If you’re feeling burnt out and you’re looking for support and guidance on creating more space in your business, Your Simple and Spacious Business is the place to be. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by noise on social media from other business owners telling you what you should and shouldn’t be doing. But Jen really encourages you to focus on creating a business that works for you in a much more sustainable way.

Hi, I’m Jen!

And I spend my days supporting awesome humans like you to build and run joyful online businesses that thrive.

I'm here to help you move forward, build and run a business that feels like home, and find more ease, joy, and financial stability in your work along the way.

I’ve built a business where I work no more than 10 hours each week, take 12+ weeks off a year to rest and have adventures with my family, all while making a sustainable and thriving income that allows me to be the breadwinner too.

I’ve spent the past decade working with hundreds of incredible business owners and I’ve seen what’s possible when we’re brave enough to choose more for ourselves than businesses and lives that don’t truly work best for us and I would be so honoured to support you in your journey too.

The way this program is set up allows me to check in with content and guidance when it works best for me. Not only is this really supportive for my energy levels, it also is massively inspiring for how I run my own business and offerings within it. Moreover, the coaching sessions and vault are amazing resources - when I first signed up, I spent a good few weeks immersing myself completely in the world that is YS&SB and I came out the other side with a clear business model and vision, a content eco system that works with and for me, and a very grounded and compassionate approach to work and self care. Now, with the pace that YS&SB is set up with, I get to nurture that vision on a weekly basis.

If you’re craving a grounded approach and support and inspiration as to how to run your business in an authentic way that honours your needs and self care, YS&SB is for you. When I first signed up, I was amazed at how many resources and how much support was part of this programme and was affirmed as to how much of a no-brainer signing up should be and was.

My favourite part of YS&SB? Everything! But definitely the office hours, where I can have any pressing questions answered by Jen. And all of the extra offerings Jen includes in The Vault - so much practical goodness to be explored.

I am learning and implementing more in my business the past few months than I ever have with any business coach!

This work is truly life changing in the way you do business, and it’s not by working more and doing more. I am so grateful to be in this community. If you’re thinking about joining? Do it!

I’ve been working as a freelancer and service provider for almost 10 years until I burned out, I felt exhausted and like I was running a race without a finish line, always trying to do things “the right way”. I joined YS&SB because I wanted to do things differently this time, and also to not feel so tired while doing it too.

If you’re thinking about joining YS&SB? Trust your intuition, if something here feels like is calling your soul, it’s because it resonates. I feel really good in this community and I love that it’s not just one way of doing things or the ‘right’ way, it’s just coming together and getting to know what has worked for one another, what hasn’t, and what’s stopped working too. I love the transparency and closeness to other people that are doing things their own way inside YS&SB - I hope you come and join us!

Julissa Veronica

If you aim to be calm, creative and focused in your business, and are ready to infuse it all with self compassion, curiosity and courage, then YS&SB is the place to call home. This practical but humanity-centred community and resource packed space is expansive, empowering, and inspirational.

Jen and YS&SB has given me space for my humanity, allowed me to unfurl into gentle and calm and focused in a way I did not know was possible, and which is ultimately life giving. I am constantly reviewing and revisiting coaching session and vault content, and feeling more empowered and calm with each new watch.

I deeply value the supportive, nourishing community, and Jen’s calm and compassionate insight. All of this supports me to make the right decisions for me and my business. To stay the course. And to celebrate doing brave and beautiful work.

Here’s what I believe is possible for you…

A business that sustains and supports your wellbeing and your joy as much as it does your bank balance

A business that feels simple, easeful, and sustainable to run each day

A business that supports you to take regular time off to rest, travel, connect, and create.

A workweek that is built to work best for you and your life each day

A business model that is financially thriving and deeply joyful to deliver too

And more than anything, a thriving business that is simple, spacious, and that truly feels like home each day


 Here’s what’s included:

1. The coaching sessions

Inside YS&SB is a library of 30+ coaching sessions covering your business model, pricing, mindset, marketing, habits and routines and so much more. These are here to walk you through the simple and spacious approach to business so that you never have to feel stuck or alone again in this journey.

There are also new coaching sessions coming every month through September 2025 including:

January: 10 Business Rules & Norms That You Have Permission To Opt-Out Of

February: Navigating The Emotional Rollercoaster Of Launching

March: How To Navigate Client & Customer Feedback Without Spiraling Into Despair

April: Everything I’ve Learned About Running A Gently Thriving Group Program

From October 2025, instead of monthly coaching sessions I will be creating a new resource every single quarter inside YS&SB. This will either be a new course, program, or toolkit for The Vault or in-depth coaching session for the coaching hub.

2. The office hours

I’m here to support you every step of the way through Your Simple & Spacious Business and that’s why I host twice-monthly office hours where you can submit for anything you’d like guidance, encouragement, and support with so that you never have to feel stuck and alone in your business journey again. These are delivered as a video recording so there is no live call you have to attend to feel supported each month.

You can also watch a free office hour here and here.

3. The community

Business is better when done together and that’s where our private community comes in. Hosted through Slack, this is where we will cheer each other on and build that deeply supportive village that we all crave in our work.

4. Quarterly live planning calls

Quarterly planning is a key step of how I support my business to thrive so every three months we’ll jump on a live call together to hold space for everyone to find clarity, focus, and direction with the next quarter ahead in your business. I’ll also be sharing with you my own quarterly reflections and plans in these calls too.

5. The vault (worth £1000+)

Inside the vault you’ll find access to all of my programs and products such as Choose More, The Slow Lane, Coaches Who Thrive, my Audio Coaching Packs, and all of my guided journals too.

6. My private weekly podcast

Every Monday morning I sit down and record a behind the scenes podcast sharing with you real-time updates of how I’m feeling in my business, what I’m workig on, what’s feeling good, what’s feeling challenging, and all of the messy middle updates of my own work and life.

And last but not least, lifetime access

Yep, you read that correctly. You’ll pay just once for Your Simple & Spacious Business and then never pay a single penny again to continue to have access to all of the support and guidance within this program.

I’ll continue to be here with you every step of the way in your business for as long as I’m doing this work through Your Simple & Spacious Business (which I hope to be doing for many more years to come!) Long after you’ve finished paying you’ll continue to have access to new monthly coaching sessions, office hours, resources, and more than anything this supportive community to cheer you on in your business each day.

Plus an awesome bonus for this enrolment…

Your custom roadmap through the resources inside YS&SB 🚗

There are an abundance of supportive resources waiting for you inside YS&SB. Taylor Allbright, an ADHD coach and YS&SB member, describes it best when she says:

The expansive resources Jen has offered through YS&SB and her vault have given me so much hands-on knowledge about the nuts and bolts of actually building a business. I’ve learned how to create a website and sales page, how to design a marketing strategy, how to brand a business, how to create offerings and set pricing, and how to design a coaching inquiry and onboarding process. I honestly feel like I’ve earned a business degree just from using Jen’s materials - they’re that good.

Jen specializes in building sustainable, flexible businesses that truly meet our needs. If you want a more gentle, flexible, spacious approach to small business, she is absolutely the person to work with.

Once you’ve joined us inside through this enrolment you’ll fill in a short Q&A and I will create for you a custom roadmap through the resources inside that can best support you in your business. You’ll breathe a deep sigh of relief knowing that you have the perfect resources and guidance for you and this season of your business and that you have the ongoing guidance and support to come back to every step of the way inside YS&SB.

Fancy a sneak peak tour of the members website?

And YS&SB is offered through a sliding scale pricing structure…

To honour the purpose behind my work to support all of us to bring more freedom, ease, and intentional growth into our business I want to acknowledge through a sliding scale pricing structure that there are various circumstances (such as disability, chronic health struggles, caregiving roles and lower incomes) that can make it harder to access the support that you desire in your journey.

YS&SB is a £1800 investment and here’s how the sliding scale works:

Full Price: £1800

This is the full investment of YS&SB. This option will be for you if you can comfortably meet all of your needs, you have access to expendable income, and this investment doesn’t cause financial hardship for you. By acknowledging your ability to pay full price you will also be making it possible for me to offer sliding scale pricing to those with less financial resources too.

Sliding Scale Pricing: £1500

This option is for you if your financial circumstances makes the full investment of YS&SB inaccessible for you and this concession price allows you to access the guidance and support inside this offering without causing financial hardship.

And both tiers come with a no-extra-cost 15 month payment plan

Are you ready to never do business alone again?

Your Simple & Spacious Business will open for enrolment again in the spring

YS&SB helps me come back to what is important in my business again and again: that a gentle business is indeed possible and that there are other people doing it too. I never feel pressured, rushed or like I’m falling behind - having all of these resources and Jen’s support right there is an amazingly supportive feeling.

I love the combination of personal connection through the Slack community and Office Hours and the resources inside YS&SB that really allow me to go deep in my business. But my favourite thing is probably how Jen is so honest about running a business in the slow lane - and how she and the others inside this program model what that looks like.

YS&SB is a gentle reminder that big and flashy isn’t always best. I have such big dreams, and I tend to be the person who pushes my limits because I know I’m capable of so much more than I even know, and YS&SB is that constant reminder to stay in my own lane and build the business that let’s me live my life, not just drown in it.

If you’re tired of constantly feeling like you aren’t doing enough in your life, or that maybe there’s something wrong with you because you don’t have the energy/time/resources required to build the “industry standard” business, and you want to create a business that feels like YOU and one that you feel at home in- YS&SB is for you. Jen will hold space and keep bringing you back to the vision that fuels both you, your clients, and your life.

My favourite part of YS&SB is that it gives me permission to be where I am, inspiration to use what I have, and confidence and empowerment that I can thrive even with the little I currently have, without the pressure of producing more.

If you want to find a place of support, learning and business growth on your own terms and at your own pace, with transparency from fellow entrepreneurs and Jen as a coach, I highly recommend YS&SB.

I strongly recommend this program if you are looking for guidance on how to make your business fit your life and needs instead of the other way around. YS&SB helps me to reflect and rewrite my mindset on building a business. A lot of the workbooks encourage me to dig deep on what am I really doing, what are my intentions, and gain clarity on my way forward too.

My favourite part of YS&SB is the supportive & creative community. Jen’s private podcast is also very encouraging and reminds me of how human we are allowed to be, especially in challenging seasons.

Sun Lee of Blooming Sun Photography

Your Simple & Spacious Business is for you if…

You’re ready to welcome more ease, space, and stability into your business in a way that truly works best for you

You’re ready to feel deeply supported to thrive in this season of your business within a safe and encouraging community.

You’re ready to move through the fears, mindsets, and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back so far in your business.

You’re ready to find momentum in your business without burning out and sacrificing your well-being and your joy.

You’re ready to discover what a simple and spacious business can look like for you and make it your daily reality too.

My favourite part of being in this program is Jen’s support and guidance as someone who truly embodies her work and models what it means to have a simple and spacious business that might look different from everybody else but is successful, yet sustainable.

Jen has a gentle way of sharing her teachings and showing you how to build a simple and spacious business without boxing you into something that isn’t right for you. If you’re feeling out of alignment with your business and you need a supportive space to work out your ideas, ask questions, and have a space to keep you accountable, join YS&SB. It’s something I reference weekly in my work as everything Jen creates inspires me to follow my own path

Even though YS&SB is not 1:1 coaching, Jen makes me feel like she is always there for me to answer any questions about my business. There has never been a time when I reached out to Jen that she wasn’t responsive, providing me with new ways to think about what was going on within my business and life.

You’ll feel 1000 percent supported to dive deeper into your business and gain clarity as well as a wonderful sense of freedom.

I love the gentle yet consistent rhythm of YS&SB. I know I can dip and dive into many pots of help and knowledge depending on what I need. And then I get personal feedback from Jen to give me the extra insight I need to keep exploring and growing.

The resources inside YS&SB are an absolute joy. They’re practical, effective, easy to follow and there are so many to choose from that I can customise them to my own unique needs.

YS&SB allows us all time to find ourselves, to dream, plan and then set sail. It’s a beautiful and practical blend of mindset, tools and community.

As someone who is neurodivergent, I was looking for a space that felt grounding enough that I could pop in and out of whenever I feel inspired, but at the same not feel pressured to “keep up” when I need to rest and replenish, and YS&SB really strikes a lovely balance for me.

I love the steady factor of resources that are always there to dig into, and that Jen is reliably there to field questions and offer support. And crucial for me, I love the flexible factor that it asks nothing of me (lol) but I can make use of it when I need.

I’ve moved at what’s felt like a snail’s pace building my business for a variety of life-reasons, and a real gift of YS&SB has been knowing I have the resources and support there at any point along my journey when I need it.
Sometimes I’ve needed an encouraging pep-talk from Jen, sometimes just a chat with other members, sometimes a resource from the vault - and it’s all just ~there~ whenever I have the space and time to get to it.

My promise to you…

I will be here for you every step of the way as you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you truly want to be in your business.

I will cheer you on, share all of the lessons I’ve learned, and illuminate what’s truly possible for you in your work.

I can’t do the hard work for you but I will be here by your side with encouragement, guidance, support, and unwavering belief in you and your work.

Since joining this program just a few months ago, I got the clarity, inspiration, and practical guidance that I needed to usher in a new chapter of my business. My new site is launching soon, and it’s designed strategically to be the foundation of a new chapter of growth. Plus, I am going about it in a way that is simple, spacious, and aligned with my needs, intentions, and values. I really can’t believe how much I’ve learned and moved forward in such a short time.

The community has such a gentle rhythm and deeply thoughtful members. I look forward to popping in each day to see if there are any messages, and I learn something helpful every time. There’s such a beautiful and gracious exchange of knowledge, tips, and encouragement. I think it’s really a testament to the wonderful tone Jen sets and the thoughtful way she’s designed the program.

If you long for more simplicity and spaciousness in your business, don’t hesitate joining. YS&SB has really exceeded my expectations, and I can’t believe how much value I’ve gained from it in just a few months

YS&SB has been a major bright spot in my life. I love that I can receive so much kind and thoughtful support from fellow members and Jen in Slack. Reading the ideas and encouragement from everyone has really motivated and supported me within the process of transitioning out of freelance work and growing into my new skin as a budding business owner.

The monthly coaching and twice monthly office hours blow my mind every single time. After I watch each one I have so many lightbulbs pop up in my head and feel a renewed sense of excitement to really build a business that works for me. Also the resources in the vault have been such a nice way for me to dig in deeper.

YS&SB has truly given me a gentle framework to learn from, a supportive place to share and grow, but most of all I feel that YS&SB gives me permission to not have it all figured out but move forward anyway. It’s made me feel more at ease, confident, and excited about building a business I love.

YS&SB is a great investment in your business. Knowing that Jen is always there through YS&SB is a huge comfort. I love being able to access the coaching sessions at a time to suit me, submitting specific questions for office hours, and also looking forward to the quarterly planning calls too. Jen has structured YS&SB in a way that offers touch points that work for both her and for us and I really admire that. I definitely feel more in control and calmer since becoming part of YS&SB and I can feel things starting to fall into place.

My favourite part of being a member of Your Simple & Spacious Business is Jen herself. I have asked a mere two questions in office hours and it has totally changed the way I feel about running my business.

YS&SB is for the business owner who wants to forge their own path. Jen doesn’t tell you what that path is or any magic formula. But she helps you to find that path and she supports and celebrates that journey no matter how short or long.

- Mariko Miyake

As a reminder Your Simple & Spacious Business includes…

The coaching session hub with 30+ sessions to guide and support you in your business plus a new coaching session each month through September 2025

Twice monthly office hours so I can dive deep into whatever is keeping you stuck, uncertain, and overwhelmed in your journey

A supportive community of fellow business owners to cheer you on every step of the way

Quarterly live planning calls to keep you focused and on track in your business

From October 2025: a new in-depth resource each quarter

Plus Access to my vault of programs, courses, and digital products

And for this enrolment: your custom simple and spacious roadmap 🚗

And lifetime pricing, so you pay just once and then continue to get access to all of this deep support in your business journey at no extra cost.


One last note from me to you…

I know that there are a lot of things out here in the online business world making big, bold promises to encourage you to hit that buy button.

But I’ve been doing this work long enough now, with hundreds of clients at this point, to know that the magic is always within you.

My job is to hold space for that magic to flow through you, to crack wide open the possibilities of your business through guidance, the lessons I’ve learned, the frameworks I’ve built, and encouragement every step of the way.

Your Simple & Spacious Business is an invitation to go on a beautiful journey together to support you to welcome more simplicity, ease, and intentional growth in your business, while always recognising that you are the expert of your own business and life.

If the time is right for you to say hell yes to this journey together I would be so honoured to be your guide.

Are you ready to never do business alone again?

Your Simple & Spacious Business will open for enrolment again in the spring



How do I know if I’m ready to invest in myself and my business?

When it excites you as much as it scares you. There’s no perfect answer to this question as it will depend on your own unique circumstances, but what I do know for sure is that you should invest in yourself and your business from a place of excitement and trust, not anxiety and fear. So whenever the time is right for you I will be right here and so honoured to have the opportunity to support you in your journey.

Why are you offering a sliding scale pricing structure?

A sliding scale is a tool that allows for an offering to be accessed at multiple price points based on the circumstances of the customer. I want to acknowledge through this pricing model that financial resources don’t have to be the only determining factor in whether or not someone can access my offerings if they can support you in your business journey. There are many reasons why someone may benefit from a sliding scale pricing model - disability, caregiving roles, and lower-income backgrounds as examples - and offering this pricing structure feels like a concrete way I can honour my values in my business.

How do I know which sliding scale tier I should choose?

The sliding scale is here to make this offering more accesible to those who paying for the full tier would cause financial hardship. This is a helpful quote from Alexis J. Cunningfolk on the difference between sacrifice and hardship when choosing where you fall on the sliding scale:

"If paying for a class, product, or service would be difficult, but not detrimental, it qualifies as a sacrifice. You might have to cut back on other spending in your life (such as going out to dinner, buying coffee, or a new outfit), but this will not have a long term harmful impact on your life. It is a sacred sacrifice in order to pursue something you are called to do. If, however, paying for a class, product, or service would lead to a harmful impact on your life, such as not being able to put food on the table, pay rent, or pay for your transportation to get to work, then you are dealing with hardship."

What type of business owner is this program for?

I work with coaches, mentors, photographers, copywriters, designers, online educators, digital marketers, writers, artists and more. What all of my clients share in common is wanting to build and run a thriving online business that works best for them.

How much access do I get to you?

I’ll be available in our Slack community throughout the week to cheer you on every step of the way and I’ll be here to support you even deeper through our twice-monthly office hours and quarterly live calls too.

What results can this program guarantee for my business?

None. I’ve seen my clients do brave, beautiful things over the years, and it’s been an honour to walk with them in their journey. But their progress, growth, joy, and success belongs to them.

I can guarantee that I will show up for you 100%, that I’m bringing all of my experience of nine years in business and working with hundreds of clients to every piece of this program, and that I’ll share with you every tool in my box to support you in your journey, but what matters most here is you. Because no one knows what your business needs more than you do and it’s my job to support you in discovering how best to steer the ship that is your business with focus, courage, and intention every step of the way.

What exactly does lifetime access mean?

You’ll pay a one-time investment for Your Simple & Spacious Business and continue to have lifetime access after that, no more payments required. For as long as I run this program (which I hope to be for many more years to come!) you will have access to all of the support, guidance, and community inside.

Every launch I recommit to the next 12 months of deliverables inside this program so you know exactly what you can expect inside for the next year ahead.

I have more questions, how can I get in touch?

You can send me an email at