Money. We either love talking about it, or we don’t.
I fall in the camp of loving to talk about it. Not because I’m obsessed with it or think money is the epitome of success, happiness, and joy, but because I’ve found that it’s by being open about money, by not being afraid to ask tough questions, and by holding space for honest conversations that we’re able to feel more confident in our ability to make and manage it, and navigate all of the money blocks and fears we face along the way too.
So often we have money beliefs that we have been holding onto for years that are not serving us in the pursuit of a wholehearted creative life.
It’s too hard and too complicated to make a stable and secure living as a creative business owner.
I’m not good enough in my work to be able to make the living I want to.
I’m a starving artist, I shouldn’t expect to make a good living if I want to pursue creative work.
It’s selfish and greedy to want to make a lot of money, so I don’t won't even try.
Financially stability and success is for other people, not me.
We all have them - stories we’ve been telling ourselves about money that can be so deep rooted within us that sometimes we don’t even realise the ways that they are holding us back.
And I’ve found that a really good place to start when it comes to getting more focused and less overwhelmed and afraid when it comes to money as a creative business owner is to get super specific on how much you want to make, how much you’re currently making, and how you’re actually going to work towards your income goals along the way.
So today I want to share with you how I set intentional income goals in my business in the hopes of encouraging you to find a way that works best for you to do so too.
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