Five Exercises To Help You Get To The Heart Of Your Big-Hearted Business

I’m a big believer in getting to the heart of our business.

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day of trying to build, run, and maintain a profitable and thriving business that we can lose sight of the fact that our business also needs to have a whole lot of purpose, clarity, and focus behind it too.

Especially if you’re struggling to feel confident and focused in your business, and that’s manifesting as feeling resistance around your content, your offerings, your messaging, and how you want to show up in your marketing and digital presence, I have five exercises for you today to hopefully help you go back to basics and really get to the heart of your business and your brand. 

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Jen Carrington
10 More Crazy-Awesome Things My Clients Are Doing In The World Right Now

Some days I have to pinch myself when I remember that supporting other women to do incredible work in the world and pursue their big-hearted goals and dreams is my job.

I feel so crazy privileged to call this work my career, and I'm so inspired every single day by the brave and bold leaps my clients are taking and by the awesome, talented, and meaningful work they're doing in the world along the way.

I've shared some of the awesome things my clients are doing in the past here and here, and today I want to highlight some more of them and share with you some really awesome women to check out - I have a feeling their work is going to inspire you as much as it does for me.

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Jen Carrington
You Don't Have To Hustle For Your Self-Worth

A mantra I repeat to myself over and over again in my creative work and life is:

I don’t have to hustle for my self-worth

I don’t have to hustle for my self-worth

I don’t have to hustle for my self-worth

It’s something that I talk about a lot with my clients too and I see over and over again the ways we can convince ourselves that we have to hustle for our self-worth in our work and our life along the way. 

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Jen Carrington
Eight Reminders For Big-Hearted Creatives Who Are Ready To Embrace Guilt-Free Rest

Something my clients tell me over and over again is that they want to make more space for rest in their creative work and life.

They’re fed up of feeling overwhelmed, burned out, exhausted, and like they’re working way more than they’re living each week. 

When we look at their schedule together we see that there is always space for rest - or a long-term solution for how to pivot their business model to be less overwhelming along the way - and the main issue is that they struggle to actually give themselves permission to rest and switch off each week and month out of fear that it means they are lazy, that they’ll fall behind, and that they’re not hustling as hard as they should be.

I’m a big advocate for guilt-free rest. I think resting and living my life is just as important as working and hustling it out in my business. For me, making time for rest and to switch off from my business is part of doing the work it takes to build an impactful, fulfilling, and sustainable creative life, but I still have to remind myself from time to time that I have permission to do so. Because so much of the noise we’re surrounded by glorifies being busy and hustling ourselves into the ground and defining ourselves and our worth by our careers and our income, we have to be brave enough to redefine those things for ourselves and to give ourselves permission to embrace our need for rest and white space without allowing guilt and fear to hold us back along the way.

So today I want to share with you eight things I like to remind myself and my clients of whenever we need to remember that we have permission to take life at our own pace, to rest when we need to, and to live as much as we work along the way. If you’re struggling to give yourself permission to embrace guilt-free rest in your creative work and life, my hope is that these can be of some encouragement for you today. 

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Jen Carrington
Let's Talk About Setting Intentional Income Goals In Your Big-Hearted Business

Money. We either love talking about it, or we don’t.

I fall in the camp of loving to talk about it. Not because I’m obsessed with it or think money is the epitome of success, happiness, and joy, but because I’ve found that it’s by being open about money, by not being afraid to ask tough questions, and by holding space for honest conversations that we’re able to feel more confident in our ability to make and manage it, and navigate all of the money blocks and fears we face along the way too.

So often we have money beliefs that we have been holding onto for years that are not serving us in the pursuit of a wholehearted creative life.

It’s too hard and too complicated to make a stable and secure living as a creative business owner.

I’m not good enough in my work to be able to make the living I want to.

I’m a starving artist, I shouldn’t expect to make a good living if I want to pursue creative work.

It’s selfish and greedy to want to make a lot of money, so I don’t won't even try.

Financially stability and success is for other people, not me.

We all have them - stories we’ve been telling ourselves about money that can be so deep rooted within us that sometimes we don’t even realise the ways that they are holding us back.

And I’ve found that a really good place to start when it comes to getting more focused and less overwhelmed and afraid when it comes to money as a creative business owner is to get super specific on how much you want to make, how much you’re currently making, and how you’re actually going to work towards your income goals along the way.

So today I want to share with you how I set intentional income goals in my business in the hopes of encouraging you to find a way that works best for you to do so too.

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Jen Carrington
Five Ways Ego Can Hold You Back From Building An Impactful, Fulfilling, & Sustainable Creative Life

With my clients we talk a lot about ego and the ways it can hold us back in our big-hearted business along the way.

Ego shows up for us all - in the stories we tell about ourselves and others, in our expectations about how we want things to be, in the way we respond and react to highs and lows along the way, and in the way we show up to our business each day too. 

Today I want to share with you five of the ways ego can hold you back from building an impactful, fulfilling, and sustainable creative life, but before we jump in I also want to share that one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in my own journey and walking with my clients in theirs is that we have to show ourselves grace when it comes to the ways ego shows up in our journey along the way. We’re only human after all, and every single one of us faces ego flare ups in this journey - it doesn’t serve us to beat ourselves up for it, or feel shame and guilt around it either. Instead, it’s an opportunity to grow, to be bigger than our ego, and to be more intentional in our creative work and life.

So just a little encouragement from me to you in case you recognise yourself in any of these next five steps - it’s absolutely a-okay if you do. I’ve never met a creative - myself included - who doesn’t experience some of these from time to time. But it’s when we recognise them and then do the work to be bigger than them that I truly believe we can build an impactful, fulfilling, and sustainable creative life along the way. 

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Jen Carrington
Six Things That Make Me A Stronger, Braver, More Intentional Business Owner

Running a big hearted business is way more than just having a career.

It pushes us to grow, develop, and challenge ourselves in ways we may never have before. Through running and building my business for the past two and a half years, I’ve had the opportunity to grow in ways that have really pushed me to become a stronger, braver, and more intentional human along the way and I’m so grateful for all of that growth and so excited for all of the growth ahead to come too. 

Today I want to share with you the six things that really support and hold space for me to be a stronger, braver, and more intentional business owner, in the hopes they can hold some space for you to explore the things that support you to truly thrive along the way too.

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Jen Carrington
10 Narrated Weekly Letters From Me To You

I’ve been sending Weekly Letters to my email community since January 2015 now - that’s over 100 emails and it’s without a doubt one of my favourite things that I create and share through my business online. 

Weekly Letters are where I share personal insights, words of motivation, and lessons I'm learning along the way in my creative journey so far. Weekly Letters are where we can hang out together and is my space to be a little more vulnerable, a little more open, and a little more in-depth with the insights and advice that I share. 

I’ve recorded 10 of my favourite Letters from the past few months to share with you today, in the hopes that they can be some audio inspiration and encouragement for you next time you may be feeling a little lost, uninspired, or overwhelmed in your creative work and life. 

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Jen Carrington
How & Why I Prioritise Being In Alignment As A Creative Business Owner

Recently one of my clients asked me how I’m able to always be so positive when it comes to navigating the highs and lows that creative business can bring.

I shared with her that prioritising being in alignment and raising my emotional frequency is something I make space for each week in my creative work and life, and how it’s played a huge part in supporting me to embrace a positive and productive mindset along the way in my creative journey.

I told her that I don’t always feel positive and aligned - I navigate fear, stress, overwhelm, and anxiety just like the rest of us do - but on the whole I’ve found a way to manage these emotions and be bigger than them instead of them controlling me.

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Jen Carrington