Ten Things To Read, Watch, & Listen To If You're A Big-Hearted Coach
There are certain things I look and hope for when consuming ideas, stories, content, and information to fuel, inspire, and direct my coaching practice:
- Ideas that move me, push me, and speak to my core values as a coach and human
- Ideas that give me space to grow, to evolve, to develop, and be the coach I want to be
- Stories, conversations, and ideas that help me better understand and serve my clients
- Stories, conversations, and ideas that encourage me to live a fulfilling, meaningful, and impactful life
Today I want to share with you ten of my favourite things that I’ve read, watched, and listened to as a big-hearted coach - my hope is that these can encourage, inspire, and guide you too in your own journey of building and running a meaningful coaching business on your own terms.
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So You Want To Start Your Own Big-Hearted Coaching Business?
Thinking about starting your own big-hearted coaching business?
That’s awesome. And here’s why:
1. Coaching and mentoring others can be some of the most fulfilling work you’ll ever do
Supporting, encouraging, and guiding others in their own journey of personal growth and making things happen - whether you’re a health coach, life coach, creative coach, business coach, or something in-between - is incredible. Seeing clients push past fears, limiting self beliefs, negative mindsets, and habits that have held them back for years is an absolute privilege - a coaching business is way more than just a business, it’s a vocation too.
2. Building your own business means you can live your life completely on your own terms
You can set your own schedule. You can work wherever and however you want. You get to scale and grow your business on your own terms. The only ceiling on your income potential is the one you set for yourself. You can take time off without asking permission for anyone else. You can build a career and a lifestyle that completely works for you.
3. Running a big-hearted coaching business means you can stay true to yourself and do crazy impactful work every step of the way
By putting a whole lot of heart into your business and prioritising your own core values, vision, and intentions above all else, you can build a truly impactful coaching practice that you can be proud and excited to run.
But no one said it was easy.
These are some of the things you may be worried about right now:
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Eight Honest Money Stories & Conversations To Help You Feel Less Alone In Your Freelance Finances
Money, money, money. They say it makes the world go round, right?
The topic of money always comes up when I’m working with my awesome clients. Celebrating them reaching their income goals. Helping them create a system and plan for tracking their income and managing their expenses and taxes. Exploring their fears, limiting self-beliefs, and anxieties around money. Navigating the feast and famine cycle that can come with this journey along the way.
I believe more than anything that when it comes to money, honest conversations are what helps us make smarter, more empowered, and intentional decisions along the way. It’s a topic that affects every single one of us, no matter our income and background. Today I want to share with you some of my favourite money conversations from around the web in the hopes they can be of comfort, inspiration, and encouragement to you along the way.
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The Other Side Of A Blogging Break + Five Questions To Ask Yourself If You’re In A Content Rut
My summer blogging break is over and I’m getting back into the swing of things by first sharing with you what I learned whilst taking a break.
I’ve been blogging for over three years now and for the first two years I blogged anywhere between 5-7 times a week - which feels absolutely crazy looking back. I wasn’t running my coaching business back then so I did have a whole lot more time and creative energy to focus on the blog, but even this year I’m usually creating anywhere between 2-4 pieces of long-form content each week.
It’s a lot. I see so many of my clients struggle with content creation when we first start working together - how to make time for it, how to enjoy it, how to share ideas and advice and stories that they’re actually excited to share. It’s a struggle so many of us share.
When I’m in the day-to-day routine of my business, I can sometimes forget how much energy it takes to maintain a consistent posting schedule. Taking a step back gave me the space and time to accept, explore, and dig into some of the thoughts, frustrations, and struggles in my content creation process that have been happening behind the scenes this year.
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I’m Taking A Blogging Break + Where You Can Find Me Until I Come Back
Summer is now here and I’m going to be taking a step back from the blog for a few weeks so I can focus on the non-negotiables in my work and my life right now.
I love this blog; creating content for it is one of my favourite parts of my work. I’ve been blogging for over three years now and I do not see myself stopping anytime soon. But from time to time it’s good to take a step back from things, and for the next few weeks I’ll be taking a mini blogging break so I can focus on some other areas in my work and life.
A big part of my energy that would usually be given to creating content for this blog is going to be redirected into prepping, planning, and bringing to life Season 3 of my podcast Make It Happen. Trying to fit in blogging, the podcast, and my Weekly Letters alongside my client work during Season 2 of the show felt a little overwhelming earlier this year, so I’m ready to really give the next season of the show 100% and then come back to this blog once it's up and running.
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How I Purposefully Set Intentions & Areas Of Focus Each Month In My Work & Life (+ June Intentions & Areas Of Focus)
Something I’ve learned about myself this year is that I prefer to set intentions and areas of focus instead of setting concrete goals in my work and my life.
I’m much more motivated by living an intentional life than I am by ticking goals off my to-do list for the sake of it. Within the intentions I set for my work and my life are of course tangible goals, but I’ve found that focusing on the intentions first helps me to stay on track when it comes to living a life that is meaningful to me along the way.
Here’s how I break this down in a practical way each month:
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10 Of My Favourite Podcast Episodes For Big-Hearted Creatives
I love podcasts. Not only because I create and host my own, but also because there are so many episodes and shows out there that I’ve listened to that have inspired, encouraged, comforted, and motivated me in my creative journey along the way.
Over the past few months there have been some episodes from my favourite shows that I’ve listened to over and over again, and I want to share my favourite ten with you today in the hopes they can inspire and encourage you too.
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The Best Non-Financial Investments I've Made In My Creative Career So Far
I was recently interviewed over on the She Percolates podcast by the awesome Jen and Danielle (you can listen to the episode here) and one of the questions they asked me was about the best non-financial investment I’ve made in my business so far.
I loved this question - so often we think that it’s financial investments that make all of the difference, but I’m a big believer that it’s the parts of ourselves that we invest into our journey that can make the biggest difference along the way.
Ever since I’ve been thinking about non-financial investments and the ones I’m glad I’ve made into my creative career and business so far. I want to share them with you today in the hopes they can be a jumping off point for you to explore the best non-financial investments you can make in your journey too.
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10 Exercises For When You Want To Get More Intentional & Focused With Your Content Creation Process
As a creative coach, I work with many of my clients to help them get more focused and intentional when it comes to the content they’re creating and sharing online.
I’ve found, in both my own journey and my clients too, that a big part of creating and sharing impactful, intentional, and focused content is rooted in our intuition - I call this putting our brand at our “core”. I’ve found that once we do the work to really intuitively understand our brand, our message, and what it is we’re trying to say, our ideas and our content starts to flow easily and with intention.
If you’re currently struggling to find focus and create with intention, I have 10 exercises I walk my clients through that I want to share with you today. These are the exercises I also walk myself through when I want to get a little extra focus and clarity with my brand and content (especially whenever I feel like I’ve transitioned or evolved into a new season of what it is I want to say and share) and once I do the work behind the scenes to put my brand at my core, I’m then able just to move forward and create intuitively along the way.
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