Your Business Inner Compass


Before we jump in: This article was originally shared with my email community in January 2021. I'm sharing it with you on the blog today in the hope that it may be of some encouragement and insight to you in your creative journey right now, and also give you a little sneak peak of what you can expect from Weekly Letters too. If you'd like to receive letters like this one straight to your inbox every Monday, you can sign up below. You'll also have access to all of my Mini Books too!

I talk often about finding a home in our business, about feeling grounded and rooted in our work along the way.

It’s so easy to get lost in this journey, to start to feel like our business is running us instead of us running it, and to be distracted by goals, opinions, and strategies that don’t truly serve us and our work.

But when we find a sense of home in our business we’re able to steer the ship in a way that truly works best for us and feel clarified and focused in whatever steps we take next too.

So how do we find that sense of home in our business? And how do we keep coming back home to it whenever we may steer off course along the way?

This is where your business inner compass comes in.

It’s one of my favourite tools for finding steady ground in our work, for rooting into what is true for us, and for tuning into the very best guidance for our business too.

And our business inner compass is a living, breathing thing that is shaped by whatever season we’re in in our work. Some pieces may stay fixed but many will shift and evolve as we do too.

There are seven pieces to your business inner compass: your vision, your values, your message, your story, your perspective, your intentions, and your priorities.

Together they can be the very best guidance for our business and the home to come back to in our work each day.

Because I truly believe that no one knows what your business needs better than you do, and if that doesn’t feel true for you yet it’s most likely because you’re still in the becoming phase in your business, still finding your feet and building your home.

It takes time to learn to steer the ship that is our business, to find confidence and clarity in the decisions we will have to make each day, and diving deeper into your inner compass can be a wonderful tool for supporting you in that journey.

So whether you’re just getting started and finding your feet, or you’re many years into this and aching to reconnect to the core of your work, my encouragement for you today is to dive a little deeper into your business inner compass, to see how it’s here to guide you in this season of your work.


Never forget that the ship that is your business is yours and yours alone to steer. You can invite people to come on board and support you in your journey, none of us have to travel these waters alone, but you are oh so capable of steering this ship and navigating whatever journey is ahead. 

As always, I’m rooting for you!

With love,

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Jen Carrington