Eight Writing Prompts For Grounding Into The Season You're In

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Before we jump in: This article was originally shared with my email community in August 2020. I'm sharing it with you on the blog today in the hope that it may be of some encouragement and insight to you in your creative journey right now, and also give you a little sneak peak of what you can expect from Weekly Letters too. If you'd like to receive letters like this one straight to your inbox every Sunday, you can sign up below. You'll also have access to all of my Mini Books too!

What a rollercoaster this year has been so far, eh? 

As we make our way through this second half of the year, we may find ourselves feeling a little untethered and unsettled as we process what’s come so far and find our focus in our work and our lives for these next months ahead to come. 

Whenever I feel like this I try and carve out some space to ask myself: 

How can I start to feel grounded in this season? 

How can I find a sense of steadiness and alignment, even if the world around me is feeling wildly out of my control? 

And finding the answers I crave usually starts with sitting in the discomfort and gently just finding my way through until I get to the heart of what’s true. 

If you’re aching to feel a little more grounded and a little more present in whatever kind of season you’re navigating right now, I have eight writing prompts for you to dive into in the hope that they can hold some space for you to uncover whatever is waiting to come to the surface for you. 

1: How am I doing right now? But really? 

2: What’s feeling hard right now? What challenges am I learning to accept and/or work around? 

3: What’s feeling joyful right now? How am I celebrating and bearing witness to that joy? 

4: What are my core priorities in this season? How am I protecting and prioritising space for them? 

5: What do I need right now to feel grounded and rooted in my days? 

6: What are the questions I’m asking myself in this season? How can I be present in this process of discovery? 

7: Do I have any needs that feel unmet in this season? What would it look like for me to find a way to meet them? 

8: If I could give myself a permission slip to show up in this season in the way that feels most aligned to me, what would it say? 

In a world that tries to convince us that we need to find nice neat answers tied up with a bow, here’s to wading our way through the messier path instead to find our way home to what’s true. 

Whatever this season is looking like for you, I so hope you can navigate it in whatever way truly works best for you. 

As always, I’m rooting for you!

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Jen Carrington