The Three Different Types Of 1-To-Many Offers For A Client Business
So I was trying to do the maths the other day about how many 1:many offers I’ve created in my business these past eight years and I stopped counting when I got to 13 as I knew I was forgetting some but it was hurting my head to try and remember - I blame mum brain for this.
I have up until this point in my business predominately run a client based business with some side 1:many offerings along the way. I’m now in a season of pivoting to more of a hybrid business model and increasing how much of my income comes from 1:many offers so I’ve been on quite a journey over the years experimenting with different ways to diversify and grow my business outside of my bread and butter client work.
And what I’ve found in my own business and in my clients who are client based too is that there tends to be three different types of 1:many offers when you’re service based and being intentional about which type of 1:many offers we want to build into our business model and what their role is in our business model is a really key piece of doing business in a way that truly works best for us.
First up is the entry-level offer
Think of this as anything £100 or less, and very often even £50 or less. So for me I have my guided journal, my audio coaching packs, my recently released Money Mindset Toolkit. Offers that are low-investment, usually completely passive like a digital download, and a way for people who are newer to our work or perhaps have a smaller budget to dive deeper into what we do in a really accessible way.
Unless you have a massive audience and email list these entry level offers aren’t going to really move the needle financially but they can bring in some extra side income in our business and most of all help sow seeds for future clients and customers too. So perhaps they buy your entry-level audio coaching or mini workshop and they find it super valuable so down the road they invest in your 1:1 offer or a higher priced 1:many offer because they’ve built that deeper trust and relationship with you.
Then we have the supplementary offer
This is something that will probably be less of an investment than your 1:1 service but significantly more than an entry-level offer. Probably somewhere between the £200 to £500 mark but it could even be over the £1000 mark depending on your other offerings.
I think of supplementary offers as being a way that we can scale our income without scaling our 1:1 time and even replace some of our 1:1 income through 1:many offers too. In my own business I’ve created supplementary offers through mid-range classes, like Coaches Who Thrive which I’ve run a couple of times and I have a new program Choose More coming soon this summer which is all about creating 1:many income when you’re a client based business. I tend to charge around the £300-£400 mark for these and they can help bring in a significant income stream that has supported me to both take on less clients and also reach new financial goals without expanding my 1:1 capacity too.
The supplementary offer is great for really productising your 1:1 process. You can think of a journey you take your clients on or a skill you have or a process you’ve created that you can then teach or guide people through in a 1:many way.
So perhaps you’re a designer and you can create a do-it-yourself Canva class for people who want to create their own graphics in their business.
Or perhaps you’re a marketing coach and you can create a mastermind or group program to support people to create evergreen funnels or launch plans.
Or maybe you’re an artist and you can create a class around building a body of work or learning a certain approach or style.
Supplementary offers often take more time and energy to build then entry-level ones and there’s often a group element to them too but because they’re a higher investment they can have a more significant impact in our business along the way too.
And then finally we have the pivoting offer
Now in many ways a supplementary offer can also be a pivoting offer but the main difference is that a supplementary offer is built to help supplement your income in your business so you can scale or take on less clients. Whereas a pivoting offer is when you really are trying to transition away from clients and make more or the majority of your income through 1:many offers instead.
For example in my own business this year I launched Your Simple & Spacious Business which is currently priced at £1250 but the price will be increasing next year too so this is an offer that really is quite a significant investment and what I’ve done through this offer is try and create something within a group format that embodies all the magic I’ve found in my 1:1 work. So I’m downloading my brain into the monthly coaching sessions within Your Simple & Spacious Business and there are monthly office hours and resources and it really feels like this offer is a beautiful way to continue to serve more people through my work moving forward while also honouring my desire to take on less client work in this season too.
Now none of this is to say you need all three different types of 1:many income in your client business, this is just hopefully here to give you an overview of how you could look at this if you’re in a season of wanting to diversify and perhaps even pivot your income in your business.
What I’ve found is that the best thing we can do is be really intentional about the type of 1:many income we build into our work.
Early on I focused on entry-level offers as I wanted to create more accessible ways for people to dive deeper into my work before deciding to invest in working together 1:1 and also create a little extra side income through these offers too.
Then as I experimented with supplementary offers this enabled me to diversify my income and be of service to more people too without increasing my 1:1 hours.
And now with Your Simple & Spacious Business I’m in a season of gently pivoting into the next chapter of my work where I take on only a few clients each year and can really pour a lot of my focus, energy, and time into the group program and showing up there.
You may want to go straight into creating a pivoting offer, or you may feel really aligned with creating supplementary or entry-level offers in this season instead.
My biggest encouragement? Root into your goals. What are you craving? A big pivot and shift towards a different way of doing your work? Or a little diversification of your income streams so you can create more breathing room and space into your schedule?
Shifting from 1:1 to more 1:many income is such an experiment, I’ve launched so many different things over the years. Some I’ve launched to crickets, others I’ve had be more successful than I even hoped for. But it’s through this experimentation that I’ve found my way and figured out what I truly want and what works best for me in my business too.
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