“If you're looking for a supportive container that shows you how to run a business, but gives you the spaciousness and flexibility to create your OWN business - look to YS&SB.”
I joined YS&SB because A: I had worked with Jen before - YEARS AGO - and even all these years later still really respected and valued her viewpoint and way she supports other business owners so I was excited to get a chance to work with her again, but in a different way. And B: because I wanted to get the experience of being in a group coaching container without any live synchronous sessions and see how it worked and felt since I had been toying around with doing something somewhat similar but hadn't really seen it modelled anywhere like this before.
YS&SB supports me with tangible how-tos and steps from the coaching modules (and all the library materials as well - so many resources!) that I can do on my own time without feeling the urgency or rush of deadlines and due dates. But it also supports me by seeing and witnessing some of the other similar struggles (and celebrations) of the other members. Plus, I always appreciate Jen's perspective and I love listening to the office hours recordings when I'm going for dog walks at the park. My favourite part of YS&SB are the coaching modules - they've been super helpful!
YS&SB is a helpful guide for business owners at any step of the business journey. I call it a guide because even though there are very helpful roadmaps in each of the coaching modules, Jen never makes it seem that there is only ONE way to go. She gives you the map, explains the benefits and challenges of it all, and then gives you a lunchpail of goodies and sends you out to explore. It's this personal exploration that really allows the coaching material to support each person wherever they are on their business journey. If you're looking for a supportive container that shows you how to run a business, but gives you the spaciousness and flexibility to create your OWN business - look to YS&SB.